Exhibit runs September 4-28
Kathy Thiessen Gallery
Celebrating 50 years of Valley Action Abilities!
This dynamic group exhibit was created as a collaboration between local artists and artists from Valley Action Abilities in Rosthern. This show is a part of Valley Action’s 50th anniversary celebration as well as an exploration of inclusion. Also have a look around town at all the beautiful murals that already came out of this collaboration (via The Circle Project we conducted in May).
Join us for the exhibit Opening on Thursday, September 5th at 7:00pm. Meet the artists and learn more about the artwork and Valley Action Abilities. Enjoy snacks complements of Valley Action. The bar will be open.
An extension of this exhibit theme can be found in the Station Arts Satellite Gallery located in Friesen’s Bigway, Rosthern. The show in this space called The Art of Community, was created by the Hands On! Art Activity Night group in August. Using brightly coloured markers, the class created quarter-circle designs on square papers that became one large collaborative piece once assembled. This is another approach to circle painting; a fun way to create art that really works once it comes together. This piece is about feeling included, valued, and about being a part of a community.