Friday, June 23 11:00 – 1:00

Outside the Friesen’s Bigway Window in Rosthern

Join us to celebrate!

Station Arts is excited to bring more art exhibits right to you! Artist Monique Blom exhibits her work…

Station Arts is celebrating our newest community arts initiative – a gallery in the window of our local grocery store! Like a satellite, this is a smaller gallery that communicates with the larger Station Arts Centre gallery. This new space will feature local, professional and emerging artists’ work in a variety of mediums and styles. It may be used as an extension of a show in the Station or be a space to feature artwork made by youth or in classrooms for example. This gallery will allow people to engage with visual art more often and make our downtown even more vibrant! Shows in this space will change out every month or two in order to bring new perspectives to viewers and keep things interesting. The Station Arts Satellite gallery is a space to celebrate diversity, creativity and community.If you’d like to have a show in SAS Gallery, email

Thanks to Friesen’s Bigway and the Organization of Saskatchewan Arts Councils for supporting this project!


The Bliss Point Girls
Salt, Fat, Sugar

Have you ever experienced suddenly reaching the bottom of a bag of chips or wanting to snack on a bar of chocolate and being surprised to find that you already finished the whole thing? Sounds familiar? Then don’t be too hard on yourself. After all, you are a victim of the food industry and the processed foods that transform us into addicts.

This series of paintings belonging to the “Ethics of the Dust” started in 2015. The Bliss Point girls are the imagined portraits of the women who will take on the world of monoculture, and the food industry to bring about balance to the new world.
The bliss point for salt, sugar, or fat is a range within which perception is that there is neither too much nor too little, but the “just right” amount of saltiness, sweetness, or richness. The human body has evolved to favour foods delivering these tastes: the brain responds with a “reward” in the form of a jolt of endorphins, remembers what we did to get that reward, and makes us want to do it again, an effect run by dopamine, a neurotransmitter. Combinations of sugar, fat, and salt act synergistically, and are more rewarding than anyone alone. In food product optimization, the goal is to include two or three of these nutrients at their bliss point.
Monique Blom is a collage and performance artist living close by at Petrofka, SK. To read more about her and see more projects, click here!