Exhibit Runs Jul. 1 – Aug. 27
Admission is free. Please note summer hours of operation below.
“As potters, our hands are our key tool for creating…”
Saskatoon Potters Guild is an active association of potters who create pottery, offer classes and workshops and organize sales and exhibitions. Each spring the Guild holds a juried exhibition for its members. The results are on display during the spring sale
The 2022 Exhibition theme was From Our Hands. As potters our hands are our key tool for creating. The theme gave members the opportunity to be creative, try out new ideas, refine old ones, and produce work which interests them. The exhibition contains 16 works made by 10 members.
The juror was Betty Gibbon, a fused glass artist with a background in clay, fibre and design. She is a member of Saskatchewan Craft Council, juried in both glass and clay. She is currently the President of the Glassworkers Guild in Saskatoon. Betty selected not only the works to be in this exhibition but also the award pieces: best overall, best functional and best decorative works.